
Showing posts from May, 2020


Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. - Jim Rohn..... Have you been trying yoga in this Quarantine??? What are your plans regarding fitness during this lockdown? How are you maintaining your body? What are you doing to boost your immunity? Namaste!!! Hi there! I am Priyanka V. Today I have brought to you some classic asanas that will not only help you boost up your immunity manifold but will also help you overcome all your stress and anxiety. It will also help to build and strengthen your muscles and calm your mind and will thus increase your focus. Also at the end of this article will be giving you some tips that will help to boost your immunity in addition to these Asanas. So let us waive a good bye to anxiety and lower emotions this lockdown season.. How yoga boosts/strengthens your immune system??? Yoga has the power to heal your mind, body and soul. Regular practice of yoga sequence can strengthen your immune system and help your b...


"You are only as young as your spine is flexible" .... Joseph Pilates.... If you often struggle with back ache problem, you’re not alone. Lots of people face this issue. Back pain is one of the most common chronic pain among adult's nowadays.  Hii there! I am Priyanka.V and in today's article I will be sharing some backbend asanas to cure back ache problem.  Backbends increase every aspects of your health as they allow your nerves to work better and decrease your biological age. There are many asanas to cure back ache.But today I will be sharing with you a few easy and immensely effective asanas for curing your backache. So let's get ready and waive a good bye to backache. 1) BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE). 2) SETU BANDHASANA (BRIDGE POSE).AND 3) BALASANA (CHILD POSE). 1)    BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE) : BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE) The name is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Bhujanga' which means 'Snake' and 'Asana' which means 'posture'. Th...


Namaste!!! "Stability of the body and mind is most essential in the practice of yoga." Hii there!!!  I am Priyanka V. and today we are going to learn about  some balancing postures which will not only enhance your concentration level but also help you in strengthening your legs, improving stability and flexibility, toning your abdominal muscles and keeping your mind calm and focused.  So let's get quickly started with our yoga asanas. "Balance in a yoga pose reflects the state of your mind, body and soul" There are a number of yoga asanas for balancing and improving stability of mind and body. Of them, today we will learn about a few. They are: 1) Vrikshasana (Tree pose). 2) Chakrasana (Wheel pose).  3) Ardha chandrasana ( Half moon pose). 1)  VRIKSHASANA  (TREE POSE) : Tree pose is a great balancing posture which strengthens ankles and improves your concentration level. When your mind is anxious, di...


“ Yoga is the journey of the self , through the  self , to the  self .”  _The Bhagavad Gita. Namaste!!! Hii there! I am Priyanka V   from " yoga - unlock your mind, body and soul " Today i will be briefing you about why yoga is important alongwith one great yoga asana for strengthening your core and building beautiful sexy abs. Ok so, lets get started.... WHY YOGA??? "Dont underestimate the power of Yoga, it has the power to heal your mind body and soul, fighting depression and reliving you  from anxiety and stress." Yes!  u heard it right. Those suffering from anxiety, fear , any kind of stress, depression could benefit from practicing yoga  on a daily basis. It gives you inner peace. Whereas if we talk about gym workouts/ other workouts they are mainly focused on improving your body's physical condition. What about your mental health/ wellbeing? So if u want to be mentally fit here where yoga comes up. It not only kee...