"By self-control over the maintenance of breath, one may radiate light"

_Patanjali Yoga sutras.


Are you tired of medication? Wanna try some natural remedy?

Cure 99% of diseases just by practicing Kapalbhati Kriya.

Yes. You heard it right. Kapalbhati is a yogic breathing technique that helps to fight almost all diseases. So why invest your money in medications which also have side effects. Instead, try this yoga. All u need to invest is 20-30 minutes of your time in a day that's it. 

Asanas and pranayama practiced regularly keep diseases at bay. Yoga is a wonderful solution to all circulatory and respiratory problems.

Kapalbhati is invigorating and warming. It helps to cleanse the lungs, sinuses, and respiratory system which helps to prevent all kinds of infections, illnesses, and allergies.

Hie there! I am Priyanka.V. and today in this article I will be sharing with you the miraculous benefits of Kapalbhati kriya along with its procedures and precautions and some additional tips to keep yourself naturally healthy and stress-free.

The youth of today (Our young generation) in this stressful world is laced with emotions like frustration, irritation, depression, and anxiety. These emotions accumulate toxins in the body which leads to diseases. So it is very important to practice some yoga and breathing exercises to remove these toxins from the body and mind and live a stressfree life.

Breathing exercises are a set of physical, mental, spiritual, exercises that are practiced for our well being. Among the breathing exercises, Kapalbhati is the one by which you can get rid of any kind of disease. It is known as ONE MEDICINE for all diseases.


Kapalbhati is a shat kriya. It's a form of cleansing technique.

It is a traditional internal cleansing kriya usually practiced in the morning on an empty stomach.

Kapalbhati comes from the word 'Kapal' (Forehead) and 'Bhati' (to shine).

Therefore the word Kapalbhati means skull illumination. 

It is a kriya usually practiced for cleaning the brain cells and lungs.

This breathing technique involves 'Active exhalation' and 'Passive inhalation'.

It promotes overall well being and good health. This practice is very beneficial to improve your breathing pattern and in improving your nervous system.

This is one of the best kriyas to purify both body as well as mind.

This pranayama slows down the aging process and extends the lifespan. 

This asana helps to fight off all the infections and viruses. Boosts your immune system and brings emotional calmness and spiritual satisfaction.

It is really good for your digestive system, internal organs, and abdominal muscles. It helps in detoxifying your body and removes toxins.

It enhances the power of concentration, the circulation of blood, and restores the healthy look of the aging skin.

It Improves the blood flow all over the body resulting in the full intake of oxygen that plays an important role in preventing skin disorder. 

As it ensures the proper flow of oxygen into the whole body, it also helps hair in its natural growth and increases the strength of hair. Also, hair loss can be prevented by this technique.


It can be done either in Sukhasana( i.e. with crossed legs), or Padmasana ( Lotus pose ) as well as in Vajrasana(Diamond Pose). But if you are not comfortable in any of these postures you can even practice this kriya sitting on a chair or sofa or bed too. Only make sure that your spine is erect, shoulders and facial muscles are relaxed. 


The best time to practice this yogic kriya is in the early morning on an empty stomach.

But if you miss practicing it during the morning, you can also practice it in the afternoon or in the evening. That's really ok. But make sure that at least 3 to 4 hours should be allowed to pass after eating your meal, to prevent any kind of discomfort.

Start your day with these breathing and relaxing exercises. These exercises need to be performed in a ventilated, clean, quiet, and even place.

Find a nice and comfortable place, away from distractions, with a minimal amount of noise. Spread your yoga mat, wear comfortable clothing to make yourself totally comfortable, and then go ahead with your practice.



a) Sit in any meditative posture like Padmasana (Lotus pose) or Sukhasana (Crossed leg), keeping your spine, neck, and head erect and eyes lightly closed.

b) Rest your hands on the knees in Gyan mudra.

c) Now slowly inhale. As you exhale, pull your stomach in towards the spine. Remember exhalation should be Quick and forceful. So just throw out your breath and throughout this practice keep your awareness on "Breathing out''.

d) Close your eyes and focus on your breath.

* Do not force your breath, it should be natural.

* This technique involves "Active exhalation" and "Passive inhalation'.

Note: Do not contract your abdomen when you inhale.


It has numerous benefits. Some of them are as follows:

a) Improves your breathing pattern.

b) It is one of the best breathing exercises in yoga for weight management.

c)It helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

d) It helps in improving your memory power.

e) Beneficial for eyesight.

f) Cures diabetes, cholesterol, Blood pressure, Sinusitis (Sinus Infection), uterine fibroids, etc.

g) It also helps in removing blockages in the heart and lungs. 

h) Regular practice of this kriya helps to strengthen bones by causing an increase in your body’s calcium levels.

i) It relieves you from any kind of infection.

j) It helps to cure blood cancer if practiced properly.

k) It relieves you from acidity, constipation, indigestion, and gastric problems.

l) Cures stomach disorders.

m) Strengthens liver, kidney, and Pancreas.

n) Improves metabolism.

o) Cures sexual problems like impotence, homosexuality. 

p) Relieves Headache and Migraine.


While there are numerous skin care products available in the market you can easily take care of your skin just by practicing Kapalbhati kriya for at least 20 minutes a day. This will not only enhance your beauty but also help to keep your entire system perfectly balanced.

So let us see the benefits of Kapalbhati for Skin and hair:

a) Kapalbhati is an exercise that light's up the skull.

b) It helps to prevent and cure acne problems.

c) It improves blood flow towards your scalp and thus helps in hair problems like hair fall,  premature greying of hair, etc.

d) So the regular practice of this kriya brings a natural glow on your face, prevents hair loss and helps in weight management.

e) It slows down your body’s aging process.


a) The regular practice of Kapalbhati cures stomach disorders, Respiratory troubles and thus also helps to maintain weight. It is a great breathing exercise for reducing belly fat.

b) It gives your abdominal region a gentle massage and also Boosts your digestion.

c) It cuts that extra fat around your belly region and gives you a flat stomach.


a) The regular practice of this kriya provides peace, purity, and stability. It calms the mind and gives you mental peace and relaxation.

b) It helps to improve your memory power. Enhances intelligence.

c) Relieves from the problem of Anxiety and Depression.


a) If suffering from High blood pressure, Heart-related problems, Hernia, wheezing, have any stomach surgeries then exhale really slow like one stroke per second.

b) Women during pregnancy and menstruating should totally avoid kapalbhati.

c) If you have a slipped disc, avoid practicing Kapalbhati kriya. Or else if you are comfortable you can practice it. But as I already mentioned above exhale very slowly, like one stroke per second. And do not overdo it.

I  would highly recommend these Breathing exercises for all of you. Because these exercises are very effective and a permanent solution for every kind of disease. 

Practice at least for 20 minutes a day for Getting the benefits of this technique (kriya). This pranayama will definitely change your life.

Based on my personal experience, if you do it very sincerely even on the first day you can see some results like it helps with mood swings, calms your mind, also you can notice some changes on your blood pressure,  gives you immense peace and relaxation, and better sleep.


a) Early to bed and early to rise makes everyone healthy, wealthy, and wise. So inculcate this habit in your daily routine. 

Waking up early will also allow you to practice these yogic asanas and thus you live a healthy lifestyle.

b) Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water, half a lemon, and little honey. It is believed that having warm water every morning flushes out toxins from your system and regulates weight in the long run.

Also, the antioxidant properties of lemons help combat free radical damage, which keeps your skin looking young and healthy.

c)Every day, think as you wake up:  I am a powerful soul, I am a divine soul, I am a God's child, I have a precious human life, I am happy. 

Kick start your Morning with these positive vibes and you will be amazed to see the transformation in your body and mind which leads to a healthy lifestyle.

P.S. Just practice Kapalbhati for 15 to 30 minutes a day and that's it voila. Get rid of all problems.

It is always better that you stick to a lower rate, like one stroke per second. You can as per your capacity slowly increase the number of strokes with regular practice.

Kapalbhati is a very beneficial Pranayam if done properly with precautions. 

So do try it and share your experience in the comments section below...

Thank you 🙏

Wishing you a great day ahead. May God bless you with love and peace today and always ...

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Image courtesy: pexels/pixabay.


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