'It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it"
_Hans Selye.
It's absolutely normal to feel stressed, confused, scared, angry, sad, lonely, and etc. Infact one needs to be stressed if he/ she doesn't feel stressed. Feeling stressed is a natural human tendency when one is laced up with so many challenges and anxiousness to grow big in one's life. Absolutely one needs to go through a lot of rough roads to achieve their high set goals and one needs to cross roads with stress at some point of time in their life.
The reaction to this stressful situation would be different for different people, depending on many factors.
Let us first understand what is stress and then how to overcome it...
Stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor (such as depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem, etc.) that causes mental tension. However, stress can become a chronic condition if a person does not take steps to manage it.
The youth of today (Our young generation) in this stressful world is laced with emotions like frustration, irritation, depression, and anxiety.
Also today, with this COVID 19 impact on the whole world, there is obviously a high level of Anxiety and corresponding stress going on.
These emotions accumulate toxins in the body which leads to diseases. So it is very important to practice yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises to remove these toxins from the body and mind and live a stressfree life.
So how do we overcome this stress and stay calm and focused on our work and also lead a happy life?
The secret to this as we all know is stress management.
The next obvious question is how do we manage stress??
We all have been taught that 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. But this is for physical well being, what about mental well being??
The saying would be 'some yoga a day keeps the doctor away'. yes, you read it right.
The answer to mental well-being is some minimum practice of yoga and meditation in your daily life.
You don't believe it?? Well, the only possible answer to this is to try it for yourself and see the instant results.
Now the next question is which is the best time to practice yoga/meditation?
A mere 20-30 mins a day of yoga/ meditation in the morning will help you lead a much enthusiastic day ahead. Alternatively, if you practice the same in the evening it will help you relieve your day-long stress and anxiety and help you in having a sound sleep. And sound sleep is again a key to both physical and mental health.
Now, are you wondering which of the two should you opt for? An energetic day ahead or a sound sleep? Well, that's left to your choice. If time permits you may practice yoga both the times of the day!!
So come.. let's have a quick look at yoga asanas that specifically help you to say goodbye to your stress.
_Terri Guillements.
Hie there! I am Priyanka.V and today I am here with some simple stress buster exercises to take your pressure down. Trust me you will get enough peace and happiness after Practicing these asanas.
So without further ado let's get started...
Kapalbhati is a shat kriya. It's a form of cleansing technique.
It is a traditional internal cleansing kriya usually practiced in the morning on an empty stomach.
Kapalbhati comes from the word 'Kapal' (Forehead) and 'Bhati' (to shine).
Therefore the word Kapalbhati means skull illumination.
This breathing technique involves 'Active exhalation' and 'Passive inhalation'.
It promotes overall well being and good health. This practice is very beneficial to improve your breathing pattern and in improving your nervous system.
This is one of the best kriyas to purify both body as well as mind.
a) Sit in any meditative posture like Padmasana (Lotus pose) or Sukhasana (Crossed leg), keeping your spine, neck, and head erect and eyes lightly closed.
b) Rest your hands on the knees in Gyan mudra.
c) Now slowly inhale. As you exhale, pull your stomach in towards the spine. Remember exhalation should be Quick and forceful. So just throw out your breath and throughout this practice keep your awareness on "Breathing out''.
d) Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
* Do not force your breath, it should be natural.
It helps in reducing stress and anxiety. And improving your memory power.
*It has numerous benefits that I have already covered in my previous blog. Do visit and read the whole article to know more about this Powerful Kriya.
Alternate nostril breathing is a yogic breath control practice. This pranayama is again good for all the respiratory issues. It helps in balancing and relaxing the nervous system.
a) Sit comfortably with your legs crossed. Make sure your spine is erect. Now reach your right hand towards your nose and rest your left hand gently on your knee.
b) Now make a shaka sign with your right hand. Exhale fully and then use your right thumb to close your right nostril and slowly inhale through your left nostril and then close your left nostril with your pinky, open the right nostril and exhale through that side. And vice versa.
c) Repeat this Pranayama upto 5 to 10 minutes as per your capacity.
Regular practice of this Pranayama help remove toxins from the body, reduces stress and keeps anxiety and depression at bay.
This is known as the posture of intense stretching.
It is a powerful, rejuvenating posture that calms the mind and all the muscles.
All the abdominal muscles get vigorously contracted which helps to shed off extra fat accumulated near your belly area.
a) Stand straight on your mat.
b) Inhale and lift your hands upwards completely.
C) Now keeping your back straight, exhale and start bending forward towards the feet.
d) Put your head down and hold your legs with your hands, let your head fall freely. ( In the beginning, the hands may not touch the ground but the position will be attained after some practice.)
e) Hold the position for 60 seconds and slowly release it.
a)This is a powerful abdominal exercise. It cures abdominal diseases, strengthens the chest, and improves the flexibility of the spine.
b) It also helps to relieve headaches and insomnia.
c) Strengthens the thigh muscles, Stimulates the liver and kidneys.
d) Helps to Relieve menopause symptoms.
e) Relieves stress and anxiety.
Tree pose is a great balancing posture that strengthens ankles and improves your concentration level. When your mind is anxious, disturbed or your body is stressed and tired you need to practice tree pose. Trust me you will immediately feel calm, patient, and Relaxed.
This asana provides peace, purity, and stability.
Tree pose is all about keeping things in balance.
a) Stand straight on your mat i.e. stand with both feet touching from the heel to the big toe keeping the back straight.
b)Now slowly pick up your right leg and try out a low tree at first and if you can balance it properly, try to take the leg a little higher and once you are feeling stable, you can pick up your foot and rest it on your left thigh.
c) Now, bring your hands to the centre in Namaskar mudra.
d) If you are steady here, raise your arms, bring them up above your head, and stretch keeping your hands in Namaskar mudra.
e) Fix your gaze at one particular point so that you are stable in the position.
f) Hold it for 1 minute or till 5 to 10 breath count as per your comfort. and then gently relieve your arms and then your leg.
g) Relax and repeat.
a) Makes you feel calm, patience.
b) Relieves you from stress and anxiety, improves your mood.
c) Improves your concentration level.
d) Develops a stable and peaceful mind.
e) Builds strength in the ankles, soles of the feet and calf muscles, tones the abdominal muscles.
f) Boosts energy in the body.
Note: Vrikshasana practice should be avoided by patients with arthritis and vertigo.
Baddha konasana is a seated pose in hatha yoga as exercise. It relieves stress and anxiety which are considered as two major enemies of a happy, healthy lifestyle.
a)Start in a seated position and bring the souls of your feet together to touch.
b) Now gently clasp hands around feet, elongate and straighten your spine, tucking your chin in toward your chest.feel the stretch in your back.
c) Hold the position for 60 seconds. Relax and repeat thrice.
a)Helps relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
b) Stimulates the heart and improves blood circulation, stretches inner thighs and groin.
c) Stimulates abdominal organs, prostate gland, ovaries, and kidney.
d) Helps in soothing menstrual discomfort.
It is a standing posture. It is one of the most useful postures for the whole body. It's the posture that will work on the sides of your bust, ankles and legs abdomen, kidney, lungs, and pancreas.
It improves balance and increases concentration.
a) Stand on your mat, keeping your feet parallel, arms, and back straight.
b) Part your legs a little wider as shown in the image.
c) Turn your right foot out nighty degree. To balance in this posture align the centre of your right heel with the centre of your left foot.
d) Now slowly bend your body towards the right foot downward from the waist allowing the left hand to come up in the air and right hand towards the floor placing your palm next to your foot touching the ground. (You can also use yoga blocks and place it near your feet if your hand is not touching the floor.)
e)Hold this posture for a while, breathe slowly.
f) Relax and repeat thrice.
a) Stretches the back muscles and improves the flexibility of the Spine.
b)It relieves from backache, gastritis, acidity and indigestion issues.
c) Alleviates depression.
d) Strengthens the pelvic area and tones the reproductive system.
e)This yoga posture helps to remove tensions in the back.
Derived from the Sanskrit word 'Setu' meaning 'bridge' and 'Bandh' meaning 'lock'.
It is a classic backbend that helps to open the chest and stretches thigh muscles.
This pose brings flexibility to the spine, neck, arms, hip and shoulder joints.
a) Lie down on your back.
b) Now put your feet on the ground near the butt.
c) Slowly raise your body, hip region high off the floor as much as you can. (This helps to resolve the tensions in the upper body.)
d) Hold it for 60 seconds and then slowly return back on the floor.
e) Rest for a while and then again Repeat the procedure.
a) Improves posture.
b) Alleviate back pain.
c) Helps alleviate stress and mild depression.
d) Keeps the brain and heart-healthy.
e) Gives a good stretch to muscles of gluteus, back, and hamstrings.
The Ardha chandrasana is a basic stretching and balancing posture. It is a standing posture.
It benefits your lower back, chest, and abdomen region.
a) Stand straight on your mat with both the feet touching the ground keeping the back straight and both the legs apart. Slowly walk forward towards downward dog posture.
b) Take your right leg up and bring forward. slowly bend your right knee softly and bring your left hand to your hip.
c) Now slowly lean on the right leg and start lifting the left leg up.
d) If you are steady here, slowly raise your left arm straight up towards the ceiling, opening the chest wider.
e) Both the hands should be straight. They should form a straight line ( You can also use blocks and place it near your feet if your hand is not touching the floor.)
f) Hold this position for few seconds or 1 minute and continue breathing slowly.
g) Slowly release the posture and return back to the downward dog posture and repeat the pose on the other side.
a) Opens up the chest and improves your breathing capacity.
b) It activates shoulders and trapeze.
c) Improves digestion.
d) Aids in stress relief.
e) Strengthens abdominal muscles, ankles, thighs, buttocks, spine, and calves.
f) It gives great flexibility to the spine and Strengthens your core.
Note: This asana not to be performed if suffering from backaches.
This posture is similar to Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). This asana is a slightly simplified version of Sarvangasana.
This asana is very effective in improving the overall blood circulation of the body.
Lifting your legs up against the wall will pump blood to the heart faster and this improves circulation by which your entire body gets Benefited.
This asana helps relieve the entire body and mind from any kind of tensions, stress, anxiety, depression, etc
a)Lie down on your back, keeping legs and feet together with arms straight, palms resting on the ground.
b) Gently lift up both the legs straight without bending your knee towards the sky. Support your hips with both hands. Your elbows resting on the ground. Tuck the chin slightly into the chest, focus on your breath. Hold the position. (you can also take the support of the wall. In this case, you'll need to rest your legs vertically (or nearly so) on a wall.)
c) If you feel like coming up back, slowly bend your knees, get your knees close to your forehead, and without lifting your head up slowly get your legs down. Rest for a while. Repeat.
a)This position gives you immense peace and relaxation and hence better sleep.
b) It helps drain any excess fluid which has accumulated in your legs.
c) Helps improve your digestion.
d)Your organic tissue will receive more oxygen which in turn will reduce the tension in your muscles.
One of the resting pose that we usually do as a counter asana for various asanas practice.
It enables you to reconnect with your inner child.
It is one of the best relaxing asana everyone loves to practice.
a) Sit in the vajrasana pose ( i.e. on your heels).
b) Keep your spine neutral and spread your knees hip-width apart.
c) And then slowly raise your hand and move forward place the palms in front of you extending your arms as much as possible.
d) Rest in the pose for as long as needed.
a) The benefit of this posture is linked to the entire digestive system.
b) This asana is super calming for the mind.
c) It Elongates the lower back.
d) It gives you physical as well as mental relaxation.
e) Relieve anxiety, alleviate stress, and also helps fight insomnia.
f) Most importantly, relieves backache.
Note: Avoid forward bending postures if you have severe backache.
The cat-cow pose is one of the simplest asanas to practice. It is a perfect warm-up sequence.
This posture activates the tailbone emphasizing the riot movement of the spine, which increases its mobility.
a) Start with a tabletop position.
b) Inhale, Tuck your toes in, arch your back and take your chin up. This is the Cat pose.
c) Now for Cow pose, drop your head, tuck your chin towards your chest, draw your belly in, make almost 'c' curve with your spine (i.e. round it up towards the ceiling), and extend your toes.
d) Repeat the sequence for at least 10 times.
a) Improves posture and balance.
b) Increases flexibility of the neck shoulders and spine.
c) Helps relieve stress from menstrual cramps and lower back pain.
d) Stretches the muscles of the hip, back, abdomen, chest, and lungs.
e) It gives great flexibility to the spine.
f)Helps in toning the gastrointestinal tract and female reproductive system.
The name is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Bhujanga' which means 'Snake' and 'Asana' which means 'posture'.
This is one of the rejuvenating exercises that resembles the posture of cobra and is great for reducing the stiffness of the lower back.
It helps to open up the chest and shoulders and improves your breathing pattern.
a) Lie down on your abdomen keeping heels and toes together knees straight and chin on the ground.
b) Now slowly bring your hands next to your chest.
c) Inhale, lift your chest up off the floor by straightening your arms, lift the torso from the waist up off the floor arching the spine backward.
d) Tilt the head as far back as possible and hold the posture for the duration of at least 60 seconds.
e) Exhale and reverse to the position as in point (a)
f) Repeat thrice.
a) Helps in strengthening and improving the flexibility of back muscles.
b) Relieves depression and fatigue.
d) Excellent to promote fertility and reduce menstrual pains.
e) Improves your breathing pattern.
f) It gives a good shape to your abdomen.
g) Strengthens your shoulders, chest, back, and buttocks.
Thank You π
With yoga, we become more aware of how and where we are restricted in the mind, body, and heart. Gradually we open and release these blockages, once the blockages are cleared our energy is freed. Therefore, we start to feel more happy, energetic, and relaxed.
Aim and execute for atleast 30 minutes of physical activity like Yoga, walking, biking, cycling, or other workouts.
Your body will be happy and thankful for investing the time into such practices.
Go ahead give it a try and do not forget to share with your friends and family.
Have a great dayπ
Which yoga Asana you want me to post next, do comment in the comment section below.
Happy reading and be a yogi by heart and body ❤️
Lastly, if you enjoyed this post I'd be very grateful if you'd help it spread by sharing with your loved onesπ
Stay tuned to my page will be coming up with more great asanas every week.....
image courtesy: pexels/pixabay
ReplyDeleteThankyou π
DeleteWell Explained ππ
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot ππ
DeleteCan you pls write next blog on yoga asanas for better sleep
ReplyDeleteSure dear. You can check my next blog.
DeleteVery Helpful. looking forward
ReplyDeleteThanks a ton ππ
DeleteDoes the internet really need another blog on psychology, the mind, and mental health? I’ve noticed is that there is no shortage of interest in psychology , and self-help out there. With exorbitant cost of therapy and medical care in general, alongside spreading fear that civilized discourse and social order are degrading rapidly, who wouldn’t want to learn how to help themselves preserve their own sanity!? However, as the demand for applied mental health information expands, my concern is that the content has become generic, watered down, and less interested in the workings of the mind.