Are you also worried about your hairfall? Do You want softer and stronger hair? Are you looking for some remedies for Alopecia, Hairloss, baldness? Then all you need to do is read this article till the end, Practice the asanas mentioned below with some amazing tips and get rid of all your hair problems.
Nowadays lots and lots of people are facing hairfall issues. Hairfall has multiple reasons like stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, hereditary hair loss, smoking, alcohol consumption, improper sleep, illness, PCOD, lack of vitamins in the body, etc.
You must have tried a lot of things to enhance your hair growth, but have you ever tried yoga?????
Hi there! I am Priyanka .V and today I am here with some amazing asanas that will definitely help you to fix all your hair problems.
So without further ado, let's get started...
One of the most beneficial exercises for glowing skin and healthy hair.
In addition to being a great counter position for the spine, it opens the chest, shoulders, neck, back, and abdominal muscles. It stimulates abdominal organs and reduces anxiety and depression. It improves the blood circulation on your head which in turn results in healthy glowing skin and hair.
To enjoy the glow of good health you must try this pose.
a) Lie down on your back with your knees slightly bend and feet on the floor. Your hands are placed comfortably beside your body.
b) Now place your palms under your Buttocks (such that the palms are facing the ground.)
c) Breathe in and lift your chest and head up and make sure that your crown of the head touches the floor.
d)Hold the position for atleast 30 to 60 seconds. And release.
e) Repeat thrice for the best results.
This asana is said to give you an instant glowing skin and healthy hair since it improves blood circulation on your face and head.
This asana is very effective in improving the overall blood circulation of the body. Practicing this asana on a regular basis will help in improving your skin conditions and hairfall issues. And you can witness the improvement in a span of time.
It is considered as the most effective asana for hair growth.
a)Lie down on your back, keeping legs and feet together with arms straight, palms resting on the ground.
b) Gently lift up both the legs straight without bending your knee towards the sky beyond 90 degrees, the waist should be off the ground and support your waist with both the hands. Your elbows resting on the ground. Bring your chest closer to your chin. (You can also take the support of wall). Keep your breathing normal.
c) If you feel like coming up back, slowly bend your knees, get your knees close to your forehead, and without lifting your head up slowly get your legs down. Rest for a while. Repeat.
d) Hold the posture for 1 to 2 minutes.
* After practicing this asana rest for a while in Shavasana.
Improves blood circulation Improves eyesight and vision.
It is considered as the most effective asana for hair growth as during this pose lots of blood flows towards the crown region which in turn nourishes the hair follicles.
This is known as the posture of intense stretching.
It is a powerful, rejuvenating posture that calms the mind and all the muscles.
All the abdominal muscles get vigorously contracted which helps to shed off extra fat accumulated near your belly area.
a) Stand straight on your mat.
b) Inhale and lift your hands upwards completely.
C) Now keeping your back straight, exhale and start bending forward towards the feet.
d) Put your head down and hold your legs with your hands, let your head fall freely. ( In the beginning, the hands may not touch the ground but the position will be attained after some practice.)
e) Hold the position for 60 seconds and slowly release it.
This is a powerful abdominal exercise. It cures abdominal diseases, strengthens the chest, and improves the flexibility of the spine.
regular practice of this asana reduces wrinkles and thus gives glowing skin. It is also good for hair problems such as hairfall, premature greying of the hair, etc.
It also helps to relieve headaches and insomnia.
Ustrasana has got a number of mental, emotional, and physical healing benefits.
It relieves you of all the anxiety and gives you immense peace and calmness from within. The benefits are worth giving a try and cherish the experience. This asana opens up the entire front side of the body.
It is the best asana for your skin and hair. it provides blood flow to your scalp and face which helps your skin to glow and solves all your hair problems. Practicing this asana on a daily basis will help you stay younger with radiant skin.
a) Sit in the vajrasana(Diamond Pose).
b)Now slowly stand on your knees keeping the back straight, with your legs and feet hip-width apart.
c) Keeping the Hands on the lower back, slowly push the hips forward, lengthen your back and if you are comfortable here, then drop your head back.
d) Now slowly bring your hands to the heels, roll the shoulders behind and open the chest. breathe normally.
e) Hold the position for atleast 60 seconds.
f) If you feel like releasing the posture. keep your hands on the lower back (supporting the lower back with your hands) first and then release comfortably.
This asana opens up the chest and shoulders & helps improving respiration. Relieves from stress and anxiety and makes your skin glow by enhancing blood flow to your face and head. Again this is one of the best postures for all your hair issues.
This is one of my favorite postures. There are numerous benefits of Halasana.
This pose increases blood circulation to the face and head, resulting in Glowing skin and Beautiful hair.
Halasana completely calms your mind and relaxes your body. Practice it regularly and enjoy a stress-free lifestyle.
a) Lie down on your back, keeping your legs and feet together with arms straight, palms resting on the ground.
b) Gently lift up both the legs straight without bending your knee towards the sky, Now press the palms in the mat and raise your hips off the ground with both the legs going over the head, as far as possible toward the floor beyond the head. (You can also support your waist by placing the hands on your lower back. )
c) Slowly try touching your feet to the ground behind.
d) Once you are comfortable in this position then place your hands on the mat, palms facing down or with the fingers interlocked.
e) Keep your breathing normal. And hold the posture for atleast 60 seconds.
* You can also take the support of the wall for this practice.
a) This asana improves blood circulation of all over your body which gives you a healthy glow on your face and body.
b) If you have trouble sleeping this asana will definitely help you since it improves blood circulation of all over the body giving you a calm and relaxed body. So again it is the best remedy for all your hair problems because insufficient amounts of sleep can result in higher levels of stress which is shown to cause hair loss.
This asana is often practiced as part of a flowing sequence of poses, especially in Surya Namaskar (Sun salutations).
This asana Builds strength, improves balance, and gives great flexibility to the spine.
It is great for improving blood circulation
which also helps in making your skin feel rejuvenated and relaxed.
a) Starting on all fours.
b) Keep your hands hip-distance apart.
c) Tuck your toes in and slowly lift your hips up towards the sky. (Try to make a triangle shape with your body.)
d) Remember to keep your shoulder broad, elbows straight, and neck long.
e)Now drop your head down completely. Keeping your toes pointing forward, press the heels down towards the mat. ( If your heels don't touch the mat that's totally fine. With the regular practice it will get improved.)
f) Relax and repeat thrice.
The major benefit of this posture is that it moves white blood cells in the body that help prevent all types of infections and viruses.
This asana helps to Revitalize the mind with better blood supply to the brain and therefore again this is one of the best yoga poses for hair growth.
This posture is similar to Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). This asana is a slightly simplified version of Sarvangasana.
This asana is very effective in improving the overall blood circulation of the body.
Lifting your legs up against the wall will pump blood to the heart faster and this improves circulation by which your entire body gets benefited.
This asana helps relieve the entire body and mind from any kind of tension, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
a)Lie down on your back, keeping legs and feet together with arms straight, palms resting on the ground.
b) Gently lift up both the legs straight without bending your knee towards the sky. Support your hips with both hands. Your elbows resting on the ground. Tuck the chin slightly into the chest, focus on your breath. Hold the position. (you can also take the support of the wall. In this case, you'll need to rest your legs vertically (or nearly so) on a wall.)
c) If you feel like coming up back, slowly bend your knees, get your knees close to your forehead, and without lifting your head up slowly get your legs down. Rest for a while. Repeat.
This position gives you immense peace and relaxation and hence better sleep. Your organic tissue will receive more oxygen which in turn will reduce the tension in your muscles.
Increases blood and oxygen supply to head which nourishes the hair follicles and enhances hair growth.
Pranayamas are always considered as the best medicine for all your skin and hair related issues. All you need to do is Practice them for atleast 20-30 minutes a day to keep your skin and hair problems at bay.
Here are some effective pranayamas as follows:
KAPALBHATI comes from the word 'Kapal' (Forehead) and 'Bhati' (to shine)
This pranayama slows down the aging process and extends the lifespan.
This asana helps to fight off all the infections and viruses. Boosts your immune system and brings emotional calmness and spiritual satisfaction.
It enhances the power of concentration, the circulation of blood, and restores the healthy look of the aging skin.
The regular practice of Kapalbhati also helps to maintain weight.
a) Sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose), keeping your spine, neck, and head erect and eyes lightly closed.
b) Rest your hands on the knees in Gyan mudra.
c) Now slowly inhale. As you exhale, pull your stomach in towards the spine. Remember exhalation should be Quick and forceful. So just throw out your breath and throughout this practice keep your awareness on "Breathing out''.
* This technique involves "Active exhalation" and "Passive inhalation'.
Note: Do not contract your abdomen when you inhale.
While there are numerous skin care products available in the market you can easily take care of your skin and Hair just by practicing Kapalbhati kriya for at least 20 minutes a day. This will not only enhance your beauty but also help to keep your entire system perfectly balanced.
So let us see the benefits of Kapalbhati for Skin and hair:
a) Kapalbhati is an exercise that light's up the skull.
b) It helps to prevent and cure acne problems.
c) It improves blood flow towards your scalp and thus helps in hair problems like hair fall, premature greying of hair, etc.
d) So the regular practice of this kriya brings a natural glow on your face, prevents hair loss, and helps in weight management.
Alternate nostril breathing is a yogic breath control practice. This pranayama is again good for all the respiratory issues. It helps in balancing and relaxing the nervous system.
a) Sit comfortably with your legs crossed. Make sure your spine is erect. Now reach your right hand towards your nose and rest your left hand gently on your knee.
b) Now make a shaka sign with your right hand. Exhale fully and then use your right thumb to close your right nostril and slowly inhale through your left nostril and then close your left nostril with your pinky, open the right nostril and exhale through that side. And vice versa.
c) Repeat this Pranayama upto 5 to 10 minutes as per your capacity.
Regular practice of this Pranayama help remove toxins from the body, reduces stress, and keeps anxiety and depression at bay.
Improves your breathing pattern, improves blood circulation all over your body, and therefore again this is an excellent Pranayama for all your skin and hair issues.
Like other breathing exercises, Bhramari Pranayama is also one of the effective breathing technique for relieving hypertension.
It relieves stress and anxiety which are considered as two major enemies of healthy Glowing Skin and Hair.
a) Sit in any meditative posture keeping your spine, neck, and head erect and eyes lightly closed. Breathe normally.
b) Now cover your ears with the help of your thumb. Such that your index finger is on the forehead and from the remaining fingers close your eyes. (If you are not comfortable closing your ears with your hand then you can also practice it simply keeping your hands in gyan mudra.)
c) Then, keeping the lips lightly sealed, inhale through both the nostrils.
d) While Exhaling, make the sound of the letter M, essentially a bee-like humming sound ('Hmmmmmmmm').
This Pranayama reduces stress levels at a faster pace. It is an excellent and effective technique for people suffering from hypertension.
This asana relieves tension, stress, and anxiety instantly. Hence this is considered as one of the best asanas for stress relief.
Again powerful pranayama for healthy Skin and hair.
So it is advisable to practice this Pranayama regularly to counteract stress and protect your hair from thinning or falling out.
P.S. Remember nothing happens overnight. Nothing is going to show results in just a few weeks or so, you have to be consistent with your practice for atleast a few months to see some results coming out of it.
Practicing these asanas religiously will definitely help you with all your hair related issues.
1) Healthy diet. Make sure that you include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
2) Avoid washing your hair too often.
3) Avoid heat treatments.
4) Avoid sun exposure.
5) Keep yourself hydrated. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day.
6) Have adequate sleep.
Thank you 🙏
Stay safe and have a lovely weekend with your loved ones.
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Image courtesy: pexels/pixabay
ReplyDeleteLoved it. Will try for sure