Suffering from THYROID?? Not sure you have THYROID and want to know about it and how to cure or prevent it. Here you go.
Thyroid has become a common disorder nowadays. 2 of 10 people will develop thyroid disorder during their lifetime. It can affect anyone like men, women, infants, teenagers and the elderly too.
Thyroid disease is a medical condition that affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. There is increase in production of T-3 and T-4 levels of free thyroxin hormone.
The two main types of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Both conditions can be caused by other diseases that impact the way the thyroid gland works.
The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck that regulates body metabolism by releasing certain thyroid hormones.
When the level of these hormones are imbalanced, the whole body gets effected which results in Stress, anxiety, depression, sudden increase in weight, sudden decrease in weight, hair loss, bulging eyes, gastric discomfort, heart disease, PCOD, menstrual disorders, and it may cause infertility too.
Feeling cold, Constipation, Muscle weakness,sudden weight gain, Joint or muscle pain, Feeling sad or depressed, Fatigue, Pale dry skin etc are the Symptoms of thyroid.
No doubt THYROID is a serious Disease but it can be cured permanently by adapting HEALTHY lifestyle.
"Allopathic Doctor's: There is no cure for this Disease.
Ayurveda: Who said? Try me out and see the results"
Hieeee there! I am Priyanka.V and today I am here with some amazing yoga asanas to cure your thyroid problem from its inception.
So without further ado let's get started,
This asana is very effective in improving the overall blood circulation of the body. Practicing this asana on a regular basis will help in improving your skin conditions. And you can witness the improvement in a span of time.
It is considered as the most effective asana for curing thyroid problems.
a)Lie down on your back, keeping legs and feet together with arms straight, palms resting on the ground.
b) Gently lift up both the legs straight without bending your knee towards the sky beyond 90 degrees, the waist should be off the ground and support your waist with both the hands. Your elbows resting on the ground. Bring your chest closer to your chin. (You can also take the support of wall). Keep your breathing normal.
c) If you feel like coming up back, slowly bend your knees, get your knees close to your forehead, and without lifting your head up slowly get your legs down. Rest for a while. Repeat.
d) Hold the posture for 1 to 2 minutes.
*After practicing this asana rest for a while in Shavasana.
a)Improves blood circulation Improves eyesight and vision.
b) Relieve stress and mild depression.
c) Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs.
d)Gives good Stretch to the shoulder muscles and the neck.
e)Improves digestion.
It is considered as the most effective asana for all your skin problems as during this pose lots of blood flows towards the crown region.

The name is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Bhujanga' which means 'Snake' and 'Asana' which means 'posture'.
This is one of the rejuvenating exercises that resembles the posture of cobra and is great for reducing the stiffness of the lower back.
It helps to open up the chest and shoulders and improves your breathing pattern.
a) Lie down on your abdomen keeping heels and toes together knees straight and chin on the ground.
b) Now slowly bring your hands next to your chest.
c) Inhale, lift your chest up off the floor by straightening your arms, lift the torso from the waist up off the floor arching the spine backward.
d) Tilt the head as far back as possible and hold the posture for the duration of atleast 60 seconds.
e) Exhale and reverse to the position as in point (a)
f) Repeat thrice.
a) Helps in strengthening and improving the flexibility of back muscles.
b) Helps in improving the posture of your back and shoulders.
c) Relieves depression and fatigue.
d) Excellent to promote fertility and reduce menstrual pains.
e) Improves your breathing pattern.
f) Stretches the neck and throat region thereby increasing thyroid functioning.
g) Strengthens your shoulders, chest, back, and buttocks.

One of the most beneficial exercises for improving thyroid functioning.
In addition to being a great counter position for the spine, it opens the chest, shoulders, neck, back, and abdominal muscles. It stimulates abdominal organs and reduces anxiety and depression. It improves the blood circulation on your head which in turn results in healthy glowing skin and hair.
To enjoy the glow of good health you must try this pose.
a) Lie down on your back with your knees slightly bend and feet on the floor. Your hands are placed comfortably beside your body.
b) Now place your palms under your Buttocks (such that the palms are facing the ground.)
c) Breathe in and lift your chest and head up and make sure that your crown of the head touches the floor.
d)Hold the position for atleast 30 to 60 seconds. And release.
e) Repeat thrice for the best results.
a) Relieves tension in your neck, throat and shoulders.
b) stimulates the thyroid gland and hence it is considered as the most effective pose for thyroid functioning.
c) Relieves stress and anxiety.

This asana is great for reducing belly fat. It strengthens the back and abdomen. It is an excellent back bending asana which stretches the entire body.
a) Lie down on your abdomen.
b) Keep your arms by your side. Palms facing towards the ceiling.
c)Slowly lift your legs off the mat and grab your ankles with your hands.
d) Now inhale and slowly lift your heels and thighs away from the floor as much as you can. Breathe normally.
e) Hold the posture for atleast 60 seconds.
f) Relax and repeat the asana twice more.
a) This asana is great for improving stomach disorders.
b) Helps in reducing fat accumulated around the belly area.
c)Strengthens the back muscles and abdomen.
d) Stretches the entire body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, neck and throat region which aids in the proper functioning of thyroid
e)It is a great posture for helping to fight diabetes.

This is one of my favorite postures. There are numerous benefits of Halasana.
This pose increases blood circulation to the face and head, resulting in Glowing skin.
Halasana completely calms your mind and relaxes your body. Practice it regularly and enjoy a stress-free lifestyle.
a) Lie down on your back, keeping your legs and feet together with arms straight, palms resting on the ground.
b) Gently lift up both the legs straight without bending your knee towards the sky, Now press the palms in the mat and raise your hips off the ground with both the legs going over the head, as far as possible toward the floor beyond the head. (You can also support your waist by placing the hands on your lower back. )
c) Slowly try touching your feet to the ground behind.
d) Once you are comfortable in this position then place your hands on the mat, palms facing down or with the fingers interlocked.
e) Keep your breathing normal. And hold the posture for atleast 60 seconds.
* You can also take the support of the wall for this practice.
a) This asana improves blood circulation of all over your body which gives you a healthy glow on your face and body.
b) If you have trouble sleeping this asana will definitely help you since it improves blood circulation of all over the body giving you a calm and relaxed body.
c) Stimulates the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
d) Relieves headache, backache, insomnia, fatigue, and anxiety.
e) fights infertility.

The cat-cow pose is one of the simplest asanas to practice. It is a perfect warm-up sequence.
This posture activates the tailbone emphasizing the riot movement of the spine, which increases its mobility.
a) Start with a tabletop position.
b) Inhale, Tuck your toes in, arch your back and take your chin up. This is the Cat pose.
c) Now for Cow pose, drop your head, tuck your chin towards your chest, draw your belly in, make almost 'c' curve with your spine (i.e. round it up towards the ceiling), and extend your toes.
d) Repeat the sequence for at least 10 times.
a) Improves posture and balance.
b) Increases flexibility of the neck shoulders and spine.
c) Helps relieve stress from menstrual cramps and lower back pain.
d) Stretches the muscles of the hip, back, abdomen, chest, and lungs.
e) It gives great flexibility to the spine.
f)Helps in toning the gastrointestinal tract and female reproductive system.

Classic asana for strengthening your core and building beautiful sexy abs.
The name comes from the Sanskrit words "Nava" meaning Boat and "Asana" meaning pose.
Boat pose is mainly a Hip flexion and spinal extension asana. If the arms are reaching forward, shoulder flexion is added.
a) Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
b) Now slowly roll your shoulders back, lean back slowly, suck your tummy in,
c) Exhale and lift your legs all the way up and try to get your thighs at a 45-degree angle to the floor.
d) Now try to stretch your arms straight alongside the legs.
e) Hold the pose till 5 to 10 breath count.
f) Release the pose slowly.
g) This is going to create a vibration on your lower back mainly your abdominal, that is because you are working on your abs.
h) Repeat.
a) Improves Digestion.
b) Strengthens abdominal, Hip flexors, and Spine.
c) Stretches and stimulates the throat. And hence again a great posture for thyroid gland.
d) Tones your abs.
e) Relieves from stress.
f)Helps to develop core strength.
g) Reduce fat and strengthen lower body muscles.

Ustrasana has got a number of mental, emotional, and physical healing benefits.
It relieves you of all the anxiety and gives you immense peace and calmness from within. The benefits are worth giving a try and cherish the experience. This asana opens up the entire front side of the body.
It is the best asana for your skin and hair. it provides blood flow to your scalp and face which helps your skin to glow and solves all your hair problems. Practicing this asana on a daily basis will help you stay younger with radiant skin.
a) Sit in the vajrasana(Diamond Pose).
b)Now slowly stand on your knees keeping the back straight, with your legs and feet hip-width apart.
c) Keeping the Hands on the lower back, slowly push the hips forward, lengthen your back and if you are comfortable here, then drop your head back.
d) Now slowly bring your hands to the heels, roll the shoulders behind and open the chest. breathe normally.
e) Hold the position for atleast 60 seconds.
f) If you feel like releasing the posture. keep your hands on the lower back (supporting the lower back with your hands) first and then release comfortably.
a) Helps to Improve digestion.
b) Opens the chest and shoulders & helps improving respiration.
c) Relieves from stress and anxiety.
d) Makes your skin glow by enhancing blood flow to your face.
e) Stretches thigh muscles which helps to decrease fat from the thigh region.
f) Stretches your back. And is therefore a great asana for back pain too.
g) Improves spinal flexibility.

Chakrasana is known to be more challenging than the other yoga asanas.
But as we know that 'Practice makes man perfect' so yeah with daily practice and patience , one can do the posture with ease and achieve the aimed goal of fit body and calm soul.
This posture strengthens the Wrists, Arms, Shoulders, Abdomen and upper back as well as increases Back flexibility and makes you feel energetic throughout the day. This is the great asana for healthy lungs.
a) lie down on your back like in shavasana.
b) Bend the arms at elbows and place the palms of the hand flat on the floor directly under each shoulder with the fingers pointing towards the back.
c) Slowly bend the knees and bring the feet close to the buttocks with the soles of the feet flat on the floor. Remember to keep feet parallel to each other.
d) Inhale, and slowly begin to raise your head , back and buttocks off the floor while keeping your spine straight raising the hips and stomach as high as possible.
e) Hold for atleast 1 minute.
f) Slowly return back to the floor and relax.
g) Repeat thrice.
a)This asana Strengthens all the parts of the body such as your wrist, arms, buttocks, chest, shoulders, abdomen, leg muscles, thyroid and pituitary glands , kidneys and liver.
b) Gives good stretch to the back.
c) Increases shoulders and back flexibility.
d) It gives strength and suppleness to the spine.
e) Stretches your chest and strengthen lungs.
f) This posture is excellent for heart.
g) This asana is known to cure infertility, asthama and osteoporosis.
h) Relieves stress, fights depression, makes your immune system strong.
i) Removes extra fat from your abdominal region.
Note: This posture is not advisable for ladies during their pregnancy.

Derived from the Sanskrit word 'Setu' meaning 'bridge' and 'Bandh' meaning 'lock'.
It is a classic backbend that helps to open the chest and stretches thigh muscles.
This pose brings flexibility to the spine, neck, arms, hip and shoulder joints.
a) Lie down on your back.
b) Now put your feet on the ground near the butt.
c) Slowly raise your body ,hip region high off the floor as much as you can. (This helps to resolve the tensions in the upper Body.)
d) Hold it for 60 seconds and then slowly return back on the floor.
e) Rest for a while and then again Repeat the procedure.
a) Improves the posture.
b) Stretch the hip flexors.
c) Alleviate back pain.
d) Keeps the brain and heart healthy.
e) Gives good stretch to muscles of gluteus, back, and hamstrings.
Additional tips:
a) Your iodine intake should be proper. Iodine is trace element which is responsible for thyroid hormone.
b) Include nutritious food in your diet. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
c) Say No to cold water.
d) Avoid soya products in your diet.
e) Avoid Packaged foods, Refrigerated products.
If you religiously follow these Practices you can definitely cure thyroid disorder in just 3 months.
Allopathy medicines may give you relief in the short run, but a regular practice of yoga or meditation will help you overcome and uproot the problems from the root.
Now you decide you want to invest your money in medicines which also have side effects or want to try some yoga and get rid of these diseases.
Thank you 🙏
Wishing you a great day ahead. May God bless you with love and peace today and always ...
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Image courtesy: pexels/pixabay.
Interesting information. Thank you for sharing