20 minutes of yoga a day keeps your backpain/bodypain away.
Does Working from home giving you backache/ bodyache?
Due to covid-19 Pandemic most of us are now sitting at home dropping in front of our laptops from morning to late evening plus managing all the household chores on our own. This busy schedule is putting a lot of strain on our rigid backs.
This work from home and lockdown stress of our new normal lifestyle and lack of exercise, can cause stress of the back muscles, unfavorable posture, body pain, discomfort, which in turn causes stiff back.
So how to overcome this strain on our backs?
So the answer for this question is ofcourse 20 minutes of Yoga a day. Yes. You read it right.
"20 minutes of yoga a day keeps your backpain/bodypain away."
Yoga stretching and twisting poses will definitely help you to calm down to deliver oxygen to your muscles, release tension, and promote relaxation.
Twists give us an instant energy lift and decompress the vertebrae in a safe and healthy way. Practicing twisting poses helps to keep the spinal muscles mobile, helping to keep you mobile as well.
So Let's relieve tight back muscles, body pain and discomfort that can really affect quality of life with these super amazing asanas in just a minute.
Hie there! I am Priyanka.V and today I am here with some twisting asanas that will definitely help you to release all the tensions in the body muscles whilst giving you physical as well as mental relaxation.
So without further ado, let's get started.
Matsyendra's Pose or Lord of the Fishes Pose, is a seated twisting asana that strengthens and stretches the spine, hips, abdomen, chest, and arms.
a) Sit straight on your mat with your legs stretched in front of you.
b) Now, bend your left leg such that the heel of the left foot lies next to the right hip. (You can also keep the left leg stretched out if you are comfortable that way.)
c) Then, place the right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee.
d)Twist your waist, neck, and shoulders towards the right, and set your gaze over your right shoulder. Make sure your spine is erect.
e) Now place the right hand behind you, and the left hand on the right knee.
f) Hold the posture for a couple of seconds and then release slowly. Repeat thrice.
a) It increases the elasticity of the spine.
b) Most importantly, relieves back pain and stiffness from between the vertebrae.
c) Stimulates digestive Organs.
d) Opens up the chest and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs.
e) Strengths and lengthens spine, stretches Hips, abdominal muscles, chest and arms.
Supta Matsyendrasana or Reclining spinal twist is one of those stretch where you want to stay for long and you feel yourself being relaxed just being in the pose. It is one of the great posture to help restore balance.
a)Lie down on your back with legs together and hands spread sideways at shoulder level.
b)Palms are placed firmly pressed on the ground.
c) Fold the right leg at the knee, placing the right ankle by the side of the left knee and inhale.
d) While exhaling slowly move the right knee to the right side towards the floor, as far as comfortable and simultaneously turn the head to the left as far as you can. And Hold.
e) Now while inhaling raise the right knee up and turn the head back to the center.
f) Repeat the same with the left leg.
g) Do atleast 5 to 10 rounds both the sides.
a) It gives a nice stretch to your shoulders, chest, spine, hips, lower and upper back.
b)It's very therapeutic and releases stress and anxiety.
c) Improves flexibility of the spine. It ensures your spine and vertebrae get enough movement and, therefore, become more flexible.
d) Opens tight shoulders. It helps relieve the stiffness or pain in your spine, hips and lower back.
d)It massages the abdominal organs and strengthens the abdominal muscles.
e) Improves digestion, Tones the waistline and also helps to remove toxins.
Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose is a seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The term Gomukhasana is the combination of three Sanskrit words i.e. Go, Mukha, and Asana.
Go means 'cow', Mukha means 'face' and Asana means 'Posture'.
And hence it means Cow Face Pose.
a)Sit straight on your mat with your legs stretched in front of you.
b) Bend the left leg and bring the foot under the right hip. Now Pull your right leg over the left thigh. In this position stack your right knee on top of the left. Your right foot should point to the outside of the left hip. Bring the right heel and left heel in closer to left and right hip respectively.
c) Now, bend the left hand behind and bring the palm up simultaneously raise the right hand, bend down to reach the left palm and clasp.
d) Hold the position for a while and then relax.
a) Stretches and strengthens your ankels, thighs, hips, shoulders, Armpits, chest, deltoid and triceps.
b) Strengths spine and abdominal muscles.
c) Relieves backache and Knee pain.
d)Remove nervous tension and calms the brain.
e)Good for mental stability and relaxing your mind.
It is the best shoulder workout. This pose works on Arms, shoulders and chest area.
Practice paschim namaskara and release the stiffness from your shoulders and back muscles.
a) Stand straight on your mat in Tadasana.
b) Slowly bring your arms behind your back and try to join the palms with fingertips facing downward.
c)As you inhale, turn the fingertips inwards towards the spine and bring them to face upwards.
d)Make sure that the knees are slightly bent and the palms are pressed firmly against each other at the back.
e) Stay in the position for a couple of breaths.
f) As you exhale, slowly turn the fingertips downward. And slowly release the posture. Repeat thrice.
a) Helps open up the chest and promote digestion.
b) Strengthen your arms, wrist and is especially good for people who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain.
c)Stretches the upper back and shoulder joints.
It is a standing twist which strengthens the legs and back whilst creating flexibility in spine and cleanses the inner organs which improves your over-all Health.
a) Stand straight on your mat like in Tadasana posture.
b) Now slowly inhale and raise your arms up perpendicular to the floor.
c) Exhale and bend your knees, shifting your hips back and down into Utkatasana.
d)Now bring your hands together into a prayer position at the center of your chest.
e)Inhale to lengthen your spine. Exhale to hinge forward then twist to your right, hooking your left elbow outside your right thigh. Now press your palms together to create more space between your collarbones. Try to keep your knees together. Hold.
f) Hold this posture for 30 seconds and then release it.
a) Strengthen the hip flexors, the thighs and glutes
b) Stimulates Digestion, helps in detoxification, which improves your overall health.
c) Tones the internal organs, including the kidneys and digestive organs.
d) Stretches and strengthens the calf muscles. Opens the chest and shoulders.
e) Increases the range of motion of the ankles.
Seated Mountain pose is a cultural Asana for lateral (upward) stretch of the spine.
It Stretches and Strengthens the spine, abdominal and pelvic muscles and loosens the hips.
a)Sit on the floor with legs stretched in front of you and hands kept freely beside the body.
b) Now bring your legs closer to the pelvis and cross them to form a cross-legged pose as in Sukhasana or Padmasana.
c) Now place the hands on your lap and then interlock the finger such that the palms should be facing upward.
d)Now breathe in and stretch your hands upward over the head keeping the fingers interlocked in Namaskar mudra•
e) You can also stretch the arms upward and then bring your hands together in a Namaste pose or Anjali Mudra.
f) Now pull the torso upward, keeping your hips on the floor and feel the deep stretch in the body. Stay in the pose for 30-40 seconds.Breath normally.
g) Slowly release the posture and relax.
a)Stretches the Spine.This asana is the best when it comes to giving a deep stretch to the spine.This makes the spine more agile, stronger and flexible.
b) Improves body balance and posture.
c) Tones the spinal nerves, reduce back and neck pain.
d) Improves blood flow all over the body.
e) Sheds extra fat from waist and back and corrects the vertebrae displacement.
f)Strengthens and Tones the Muscles.
The name comes from the Sanskrit words garuda meaning "eagle", and asana meaning "posture".
Eagle Pose stretches the shoulders and upper back while strengthening the thighs, hips, ankles, and calves. It builds balance, calm focus, and concentration.
a) Begin in Tadasana. Bend your knees slightly, lift your left foot up and, balancing on your right foot, cross your left thigh over the right. Point your left toes toward the floor, press the foot back, and then hook the top of the foot behind the lower right calf. Balance on the right foot.
b) Now Extend your arms straight in front of your body. Drop your left arm under your right, then bend your elbows. Snug the right elbow into the crook of the left, and raise the forearms perpendicular to the floor.
c) Now press the palms together (as much as is possible for you), lift your elbows up, and stretch the fingers toward the ceiling.
d) Keep your shoulder blades pressing down your back, toward your waist. Draw your belly in and up. Hold the position for a while and then release.
a) Strengthens and stretches the ankles and calves, thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back.
b) Great posture to Improve concentration and focus
c) This pose is therapeutic for those with lower back pain and sciatica.
d) Increased circulation to all joints.
e) Improves digestion.
"If you stretch correctly and regularly you will find that every movement you make becomes easier."
Thankyou 🙏 🧘
Wishing you all a peaceful and mindful day. have a great day.
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Image courtesy:pexels/freepik.com
Yoga is a very old physical and mental practice that has been spreading throughout the world due to its benefits as it guarantees a firm body, a stable mind and a benevolent spirit.
ReplyDeleteIt is an ancient art that has widely shown that it can improve our quality of life, not only physically but also mentally and spiritually.
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